Pros and Cons Of Online Loans You Need To Consider
April 05, 2019South Africans are saying no to traditional bank loans. The number of loans from financial institutions dropped from 21% to 14% in just one year. One reason for this drop...
7 Amazing Tips on Sticking to a Budget That Will Change Your Life!
April 04, 2019According to the South Africa Living Conditions Survey, the average household has a fairly balanced budget with only 3.81% of their income spent on recreation and culture. Most of their...
Is Taking Out a Personal Loan Right for You?
April 03, 2019Thousands of South Africans go for personal loans for different reasons such as to consolidate debt, buy assets, and for home improvement. In the country, personal loans account for 14%...
Personal Installment Loans vs. Payday Loans: What’s the Difference?
April 01, 2019There are a great many different kinds of personal loans options open to you. So much so, in fact, that it can even begin to overwhelm you when trying to...
Can You Use a Personal Loan to Buy a Car?
March 24, 2019A personal loan gives you more freedom and benefits when purchasing a car in comparison to a traditional car loan. Traditional car loans can be restricting and normally require the...
Should You Take Out a Personal Loan to Pay Off a Student Loan?
March 21, 2019Shortly after you leave university, you're forced with the reality that you need to start paying back your student loans. That time can come up a lot quicker than you...
Payday Loan Requirements: Everything You Need to Know to Qualify For a Payday Loan
March 20, 2019You've been there. Your bakkie breaks down and you don't have money to fix it. Or you get hurt and have to go to hospital. Any emergency costs money — extra money...
Loans For Moving: The 5 Best Personal Loans For Your Relocation
March 17, 2019One of life’s biggest expenses is moving. There are so many things that go into moving from packaging materials to hiring a truck, deposits on the new place and even...
Does Debt Consolidation Hurt Your Credit?
March 16, 2019Trying to manage debt without damaging your long-term prospects? It's not always an easy proposition. Nearly 10 million people are over their heads in debt. And with debt comes stress. Many...
Should You Take Out a Personal Loan to Pay Off Debt?
March 12, 2019Are you one of the 25 million South Africans who are in debt? If yes, you’re likely familiar with the toll debt can take on your financial and emotional wellbeing...