How Payday Loans Can Help You – Our Guide
May 27, 2019No matter how effective your financial plan is, the unexpected can happen. There may be times when you need to take out your savings. For example, you may have to...
5 Tips to Get Out of Debt Faster with a Payday Loan
May 07, 2019
As of 2007, 41.6% of the 17.57 million South Africans who were credit active had impaired credit records. By 2008, the figure had risen by 4% and by 2009, 42.4%...
Can I Get a Loan With Bad Credit?
May 06, 2019
Perhaps you've heard that it's impossible to qualify for a loan if you have bad credit. Well, you heard wrong. If you're thinking about getting a payday loan, bad credit (or...
How Does a No Credit Check Loan Work?
May 04, 2019
People from across the world are considering short-term loans for a variety of reasons. The truth is, these types of loans are popular because many of them don't require you...
How to Choose the Best Low Interest Payday Loan
May 03, 2019
Payday loans are the fastest way to borrow money. However, some have high-interest rates. If you're looking for a payday loan, you may be wondering how to get one with...
5 Emergency Reasons for Guaranteed Payday Loans
May 03, 2019
Between 2000 and 2006, Ghana's debt fell from 120% GDP to 12%. Mozambique's also feel from 200% to just over 20% in a similar time period. Unfortunately, many of these countries...
The Advantages of Debt Consolidation: How an All-In-One Loan Can Benefit You
May 03, 2019
It's easy to panic when you're struggling with debt. You need help fast and you don't know who to trust. So many financial institutions promise that their debt consolidation program is...
Popular Payday Loans For the Millennial Generation
May 01, 2019
Payday loans are a popular money source for the Millennial Generation. In fact, 13 per cent of Millennials have already picked up a fast cash loan. Wondering what kinds of...
How to Avoid Conflicts With Creditors and Keep Your Accounts In Good Standing (Even When You’re Low On Funds!)
April 30, 2019
23 million South Africans are credit active. Out of these, 10 million have arrears on more than one account. In South Africa, the National Credit Act protects citizens from being...
What Is a Good Credit Score and How Can You Improve One That’s Not-So-Good?
April 30, 2019
Have you ever had to face the embarrassment of getting declined for a loan or line of credit? If you're anything like the average South African, then you likely have....