– Payday Loans 101: 5 Financial Aid Tips to Help You With Your Budget

June 13, 2019

Financial challenges don’t discriminate. They can happen to anyone at any point, and debt isn’t usually the only thing eating up your pocket. As the list of unexpected bills rises, so do your stress levels. It’s challenging to make ends meet when you’re living from paycheck to paycheck, which is the case for the majority of people. Fortunately, there are many ways to help you stay afloat amidst the ocean of spending. These five useful tips will educate you on how to manage your budget wisely.

1. Find ways to reduce your monthly costs

Some things are inescapable in life – growing up, taking on more responsibility, and incurring monthly bills. While paying them on time is non-negotiable, you can find certain loopholes in other services like medical or utility costs and arrange the payment terms with your service provider.

For instance, you can earn yourself a discount if you pay by cash. Having a clean record as a loyal customer may also give you higher chances of getting approved. Reach out to the top executives at your company of interest, and with a bit of understanding, evidence, and luck, they may give you a helping hand with your finances.

2. Get a Government Loan

The federal government typically provides financial help in certain circumstances, and homeowners are encouraged to improve their standard of living through housing grant opportunities. The primary goal is to offer home ownership at an affordable price to lower-income buyers, though other factors like a car repair or housing renovation issues may be more difficult to approve.

3. Find an expert in training

Getting help from a full-fledged expert can be an expensive ordeal, but there is a silver lining. People are always looking to seek advice for little to no cost over some minimal damage, whether it is for a car or something else. You can visit local vocational or technical schools and ask for experts in training to assess your problem. This is a loophole that is indeed worth taking advantage of.

4. Get a credit counsellor

Everyone aims to have a budget that can meet all their obligations, but getting back on track with your finances can be difficult. Hiring a trained counsellor may seem counterproductive because you’d have to cash out from your limited money, but their services are offered at a usually low price – most are even for free!

You can get a non-judgemental assessment of your situation and gain ways to identify your options from a fresh perspective, something that you may need after straining your eyes with the seemingly endless numbers of your daily expenses.


If you’re looking to apply for a payday loan in South Africa, register at Hoopla Loans today! We provide flexible, easy loans to help you get out of your situation.